
Tree Surgery Services has attained the following certficates.

NPTCCS30.1 - Maintain and operate the chainsaw - maintenance of the chainsaw (R/101/7900).

CS30.2 - Maintain and operate the chainsaw - on site preperation and basic cross cutting (Y/101/7901).

CS31 - Fell and process small trees 200mm - 380mm (D/101/7902).

Certificate of competence to climb trees and perform aerial rescue - level 2.

CS40 - Carry out pruning operations (F/101/7908).

CS41 - Carry out dismantling operations (J/101/7909).

CS32 - Fell and process medium trees 380mm - 760mm (H/101/7903).

CS39 - Use of a chainsaw from a rope and harness (a/101/7907).

CS34 - Process windblown trees.